The Boy

The Boy

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Ever notice that the medicine taste good till they start feeling better?

          "I thought you like your medicine?" I said as he made  a face.
          "I don't like it! Kuckie!"

Ever notice that they want to be 'Big Boys' till the potty training begin?

          "You don't want to wear baby panties do you? Don't you want to wear big boy underwear?" I asked
          "No! I want to wear Panties!" He yells grabbing a pull-up.

Ever notice the moment you pass a Mc Donalds....?

         "Mommy! Happy Meal!"

Ever notice when you ask your child to do something?

         "I can't!"

And when they're in trouble?.....

          "I got an owie mommy!"

         "I'm tired mommy...."


When you tell them to do something you thought was put in a way they could understand, you find out they took it a bit TOO literal...

         So I walked into the bathroom and find, then my two year old, taking poop out of his diaper and putting in the potty (with his hands).
    "Look Mommy! I put the poop in the Potty!" Big smiles...

And the latest and greatest horrifying thing my child is doing....

We have seen a few mice running through the house as of late. We have a crawl space under the house, and decided the best course of action was to poison under the house where it couldn't be found by our 3 year old. Well a week went by, and a smell came about the house, letting us know that the poison was working. Well about two weeks in my little boy cam running in from the back room with a DEAD MOUSE in his hand.

        "It's dead mommy.." he said handing me this freshly, dead mouse.
        I flushed the critter down the toilet while he wasn't looking. i then quickly made my son wash his hands.
        "Where's the mouse?" He asked looking around, and then looking suspiciously at the toilet I had flushed behind his back.
        "I put him outside." I said.
        "I want to see. Let's go get the mouse Mommy." He says heading for the door.
        "No honey. He's an outside mouse. He had to go outside."

There were two reason for this. He was kind of upset about the mouse being dead. And the second, I didn't want him to get the idea of flushing things down the toilet. It's something he hasn't done as a child yet. I'd like to keep it this way.
He has now found a total of 3 dead mice and  has brought them to me. I do a daily check for the mice, but he always seems to find them before I do.....

And on that note, I'll let you ponder the lovely little things that your children do. Smile and laugh where they can't see you. I know it's hard.

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