The Boy

The Boy

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Halloween Mobile

Mom & Child Boredom Resolved

I admit... I was bored too. My son was way too into watching someone on youtube play Mind craft..
I kicked him off and I said we were going to make a mobile.

I thought about what we could do.. Halloween's the next holiday, so why not a little head start?

So I found a bunch of Halloween pictures for crafting on the internet. Several already made double sided so I wouldn't have to make my own reversed. The boy colored one and then opted to water color them.  I had a few pumpkins and ghost where he had to glue the mouths and eyes on them as well. I had him glue the fronts and back together. With a little instruction my 5 year old did that just fine. He actually liked the gluing part the best. I put all the little pieces on and balances them. Walla! one Halloween decoration and mom and son time to boot!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

"I don't want to get teased..."

The most heart wrenching words you can hear from a child. "I don't want to get teased."

My son, now only 5 years old, needs glasses. It was the most horrible fear since his birth that he'd get that gene from me, my mother....
The fear became a reality over the last year that his sight was no longer good. I noticed at the zoo he was always saying he couldn't see. He didn't like his TV in his room because it was too small to see. I'd point at his shoes across the room and he wouldn't see them till he was closer. I even remember getting mad like he was deliberately not paying attention.... 
Truth be, he REALLY couldn't see.
When I had my fear confirmed yesterday I looked at the lady and said "You're going to help me find a pair that looks good on him! He will not be teased." Well we took over an hour trying on pair after pair after pair. We made everyone give their opinion on them. Patrons and Employees a like. No one was excluded. NO ONE! I, not the woman Tara helping us, let anyone off the hook. It was actually unanimous too. We all like the same pair.
In the end my son asked about sun glasses... I told him if he takes care of these I would get him some, but he still didn't want to wear them... I bought transitional lenses. They will turn to sunglasses out side. 

I said to him "Now you will have cool Spy Glasses. When you go outside, nobody will be able to tell where you're looking." This finally had him excited.

Now he can't wait to get them.
I'm terrified that he will get it from some bully. I told him I will take care of anyone that teases you. And I will! I pity the first one that says anything wrong... I will rake them over the coals and make them feel so small they'll be afraid to show their face in public. Man, Woman or child.... 

I remember what it felt like. I remember all the other kids with glasses that were tormented to the point I hid the fact that I needed glasses for years! I needed glasses when I was eight. I got my first pair when I bought them myself about when I was 18-19 years old.... I took enough torture when I was a kid and refused to add one more... Thanks god at some point I said enough was enough on letting others belittle me for a necessary thing. But I wore contacts till my eyes could no longer bear them before resorting to my glasses... 
I remember well the cruelness of others. I will protect my child from it as best I can.. or at least put a sharp and crisp end to it. 

He's is such an adorable child. So loving and giving.... 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

What we don't do to make them SMILE!

My friend commissioned/traded me for  a cake for her son. She wanted me to make him a TARDIS (I got corrected by a fan that it has to be all caps) cake for his birthday.

  I googled what everyone one was charging for this said cake. The cheapest was about 120$-150$. So I told 100$.
 Sinces he was a friend, I said I'd just do it for the price of the ingredients. It's more than you think it is to make a cake like that. In the end she gave me that plus more ! It was that good.

The best part of this story is. I had to ask what a TARDIS cake looked like. LOL So here's the end results and a very pleased mom and son.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

My boy & his Dog

  • My boy and his dog... I realized I hadn't heard him in a few minutes. I found him outside filling his dogs water bowl... with out being asked to. Good Kid!

    And then the dog jumped into her dog dish and start playing in the water.  I  watched my son bite her in the head because he had just filled it up and he was angry she got it dirty..... can't imagine where he gets that from.... 

    Unless you think just because his mom & grandfather both used to bite dog back when they bit them as children has anything to do with it...