No. Their play had nothing to do with the three wise men, but I saw this in the photo, so there we have it.
Owner of my Son's Day Care |
Owner of my Son's Day Care |
My son is so content on that horse... what I wouldn't give to put him on one all the time.. |
Like when your squeezing the ketchup bottle and it farts and he laugh and says "the ketchup bottle farted.." still laughing.
Or when you go to pick him up from day care and he says "Can I stay here and play?" leading with those little blues eyes.
Or when he brings home a paper that said what he' thankful for and the list is as follows:
Brownie (our dog)
and you notice that you're (mom) not on there and it just breaks your heart.
"mom... can I sleep with you?" usually defined as, jumping on the bed, tossing turning, rolling on top of you, demanding a kiss to avoid sleeping, pulling open the curtain to peek out the window and let the car lights in.... "mom I need a drink." is always included in that particular activity.
One of my favorites is while he's laying in your bed and you decide to make his stuffed animal a lively bedtime playmate for him. Giving hugs and kisses and shaking while it laughs.. (Yes I've paid for this often but it's just TOO CUTE!).
Knowing that your kids wasn't afraid to get this picture taken with Santa and so many others you know were.