My son started Preschool/daycare this past monday.
Like a good little paranoid mother I called 2 times the first day.
The second day I called the same time as the first day...
We're talking and I ask him "How is school?"
"Good." He said chipper.
"Are you having fun?'
"Yeah!' he said eagerly.
"Did you eat breakfast today?" I ask.
"Yes I had pears. I'm done talking to you now."He stated and he gave the phone back to the woman at the daycare and went back to playing before I could say anything.
That little turd! He's been perfectly content at daycare. No missing mom.. or dad.. anxiety. Nothing. I love the fact that my son is well adjusted and independent enough to survive daycare, but damn! he wasn't interested in a phone call with me he likes it soo much. I'm not sure how I'm going to survive it. Im' raising a bright little boy, but I want to be missed. Almost brought me to tears....